Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Orem Mt. Timpanogos Park

The Cascade Hosting Center is a delta shaped facility and is available for rentals. The east wing and the west wing are identical.

Amenities for each wing include:
- 24' x 48' cement floor
- water access in middle of wings
- shelving & cupboards in the middle area
- 8 folding doors in each wing
- access to electrical outlets and overhead lights
no tables or chairs

Cost: $400 and $200 security deposit and a written agreement.

Timpanogos Bowery - it's a pavilion
Amenities include:
- 16 tables/10 per table = 160 people
- 2 barbecue braziers
- access to electrical outlets
- overhead lights and a turf area
Cost: $150 pavilion rental fee

Alta Springs Pavilion #2 and River Trail Pavillion #3
Amenities include:
- 6 tables/10 per table = 60 people
- 1 barbecue brazier in each pavilion
Cost: $100 pavilion rental fee

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